October 15, 2024

How I Became a Wing Woman

So how did I become a Wing Woman? This is the question I get asked often...

How I Became a Wing Woman

Interview multiple candidates

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Search for the right experience

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  2. Porttitor nibh est vulputate vitae sem vitae.
  3. Netus vestibulum dignissim scelerisque vitae.
  4. Amet tellus nisl risus lorem vulputate velit eget.

Ask for past work examples & results

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  • Netus vestibulum dignissim scelerisque vitae.
  • Porttitor nibh est vulputate vitae sem vitae.
  • Amet tellus nisl risus lorem vulputate velit eget.
Vet candidates & ask for past references before hiring

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nunc gravida purus urna, ipsum eu morbi in enim”
Once you hire them, give them access for all tools & resources for success

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How did I become a Wing Woman

"How did I become a wing woman?" That’s the question I keep getting asked.

Well, grab a cup of tea (or coffee), because it’s quite the tale.

It all started about 8 years ago, right after I’d waved goodbye to Billetto.

I was in this phase where I was hopping from one job to another – you know, a bit of a job-hopper, which is pretty much a rite of passage for us multi-passionate types. We just don’t fit neatly into one box because we're bustling with so many ideas and can do a heap of different things.

So there I was, off to an event at King, the Candy Crush wizards, hoping to sprinkle a bit of that networking magic. Their office was like stepping into a game – think chairs you’d expect to see on a carousel and tables that spun like you wouldn’t believe.

And then, I met Annika.

She was there on her lonesome, much like myself. We got chatting, and she mentioned wanting to meet the King founders. Now, I didn’t know them from Adam, but that didn’t stop me. I waltzed us over, and I introduced her as if we were old mates with them.

Cheeky? Perhaps.

Effective? Absolutely.

This whole thing got me thinking. Over the years, bouncing from one job to the next – from Telia to who knows where – each move felt like I was searching for something more, something that truly resonated with me. My friends kept nudging me towards starting my own gig (you know who you are!), but I was always a bit stuck on what I could offer that people would actually pay for.

Then, fast forward through the job-hopping extravaganza, Annika rings me up out of the blue, asking for my wing woman services at an event, offering to pay for my knack for connecting people.

It was one of those lightbulb moments.

I’d been doing this all along – connecting dots, creating posts about human interactions and relationships, and here was my answer.

It dawned on me that all these years, from every post I’d shared to every new person I’d met, I was laying down the groundwork for Tjena without even realising it.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, for those of us with a million passions and the inability to sit still, it turns out our path isn’t a straight line but a wonderfully tangled web of experiences leading us exactly where we need to be.

And for me, that’s right here, being a Wing Woman, helping people forge meaningful connections.

So yeah, that’s how I became a Wing Woman – by simply being my multi-passionate, sometimes indecisive, but always connecting people to opportunities.

So, here's the dream: I adore this building in public and I want to kick off an agency of Wing People.

Picture this - a crew of fab folks, swift to make connections, always tuned into the vibes at any gathering, and absolutely loving the buzz of being around people.

You know the type, right?

The ones for whom a crowded room isn't daunting but thrilling, whose energy levels soar the more people they meet, armed with an insatiable curiosity and the knack for asking the questions that really get conversations going.

Is this you?

If this sounds like you, then listen up because I’m looking for people with a very particular set of qualities:

  1. Top-Notch Social and Emotional Smarts: This gig needs you to be sharp on the social and emotional front. You'll be starting conversations, making folks feel welcome, and knitting connections like a pro.
  2. Ace at Networking: Got a talent for mixing and mingling in different circles? That’s what I’m after. Spotting who should meet whom and making it happen in a way that lights up sparks.
  3. A Rolodex to Rival All Others: We're talking about building a network that’s as varied as a festival lineup. Different industries, backgrounds, and interests – that's our jam.
  4. Shout About What You Do: Whether it’s through a slick website, buzzing social media, or at networking events, I want you to be seen and heard, showcasing how you can transform personal and professional worlds.
  5. Customize Your Magic: No two clients are the same, and neither should our approach be. It’s all about tailoring our wizardry to fit exactly what they need, whether it's expanding their circle, finding kindred spirits, or simply getting better at this whole social butterfly biz.
  6. Trust Is Everything: Our clients need to know their secrets are safe with us, and that we’ve got their backs, always putting their interests first.
  7. Feedback Is Gold: We grow, adapt, and get even better at our game through the feedback loop. It’s how we ensure we’re always hitting the mark.
  8. Extra Goodies on the Side: As we get better at this, we’ll start throwing in some extras – workshops, sessions on networking, boosting social skills, you name it – adding even more value to what we offer.

Launching this agency is about so much more than just playing matchmaker at events. It's about enriching lives, opening new doors, and building those deep, lasting connections that make everything a bit brighter. It’s a calling for those of us who thrive on social interaction, who see beyond the small talk to the potential stories, friendships, and collaborations waiting to unfold.

If this sounds like your kind of adventure, then send me a DM on LinkedIn or an email to with the subject "I think I'm a Wing Person".

Let's make some magic happen together.

Happy connecting!


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Tjena - Illustration - connecting